

Editor s note: F包養rom June 29 to July 2, the 包養3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo will be held in包養包養網包養網 Changsha, Hunan Province. Eight A包養網frican countries, Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria and Zambia, will be invit包養網ed to serve as guests包養 of honor. Rednet Moment launched the The Cinematic Africa se包養ries of videos to show the products and包養 customs of these 8 countries.


Morocco, one of the eight guest of honor countries of包養網 the 3rd Chi包養網na-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, is located at the northwest tip of Africa. Its total economic output ranks fifth in Africa and third in North 包養Africa. Phosphate exports, tourism, and overseas remittance are the main pillars of the Morocco s economy.


1, Because of 包養網its mild oceanic cli包養網mate, Morocco is known as t包養he Garden of North Afr包養ica


2, The majority of the nation is white; ther包養e are many mixed-race beauty


3, Flying goat can climb trees


4, Morocco is rich in “我不知道,但有一點可以確定,那就是和小姐的婚約有關。”蔡修應了一聲,上前扶著小姐往不遠處的方婷走去。argania spinosa; a liter o像他一樣愛她,包養他發誓,他會包養網愛她,珍惜她,這輩子都不會傷害或傷害她。f its oil can be sold for two thousand


5, Morocco has created the world s first university and there are three Confucius Institutes in the country


6, Morocco has a strong milit包養網ary strength, and the ext包養網ras o包養網f Operation Red Sea are the Royal Moroccan Army.